Download Java Jre 1.5 For Mac

On this page:

Important information about installing the Java plug-in
  • Users should consult with their local IT support provider before installing or upgrading Java. Local applications may require specific Java versions.
  • Awareness: Once the java plug-in has been installed, it must be kept up to date in order to avoid security risks.

One of the functions of Java Preferences was to set the current version of the JRE. Under Oracle Java, only a single version of the JRE can be installed at a time. See Installing the JRE on macOS. To access the Java Control Panel, in the System Preferences panel, click the Java icon. Updating the SQL Anywhere Oracle Java Runtime Environment. For updating the SQL Anywhere Oracle (formerly Sun) Java Runtime Environment (JRE). For example, SQL Anywhere 10.0.1 includes JRE version 1.5.0 update 10. You can update to JRE 1.5.0 update 16, but not JRE 1.6.0 or JRE 1.4.2. Java manual download page. Get the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Windows, Mac, Solaris, and Linux.


NOTE: Users should consult with their local IT support provider before installing or upgrading Java. Local applications may require specific Java versions.

Download Java Jre 1.5 For MacDownload java jre 1.5 for mac os

Step One: Install or upgrade Java

Step Two: Verify that java is enabled in your web browser

  • After installing or upgrading Java, completely quit, then relaunch the web browser.
  • Clear the browser cache.

    Mac OS 10.7 and higher

NOTE: Users should consult with their local IT support provider before installing or upgrading Java. Local applications may require specific Java versions.

Step One: Upgrade your java version

Step Two: Verify that java is enabled in your web browser

  • After installing or upgrading Java, completely quit, then relaunch the web browser.
  • Clear the browser cache.
  • On Macintosh Google Chrome is incompatible with most Java web applications and web pages that use a Java applet, due to the fact that the Java plugin is 64-bit and Google Chrome is 32-bit.

Mac OS 10.6

NOTE: Users should consult with their local IT support provider before installing or upgrading Java. 2018 bmw x5 software update download. Local applications may require specific Java versions.

Awareness: Java 6 is no longer receiving security updates from Apple.

  • If you are unable to upgrade your operating system and have applications that require Java, Java 6 is packaged with the Macintosh operating system. Java 7 is available only for Mac OS 10.7 and higher.
  • Use Apple's Software Update to upgrade to Java 6 update 45.
  • Apple has not released security fixes for Java 6 update 45 and known security issues exist.
  • Apple's recommendation is to upgrade your operating system, then install Java 7.

Verify that java is enabled in your web browser

  • After installing or upgrading Java, completely quit, then relaunch the web browser.
  • Clear the browser cache.


Download Java Jdk 1.5 For Mac

Step One: Install or upgrade Java

Step Two: Verify that java is enabled in your web browser


  • Firefox 2.0 or later is supported
  • If needed, enable java plugin for Firefox
  • After installing or upgrading Java, quit then relaunch Firefox.

If needed, clear browser cache, clear Java cache

  • Close all browser windows and quit or exit the browser. Then relaunch the browser and try again to access the site.

If you no longer need Java, uninstall it

  • [Uninstall Java 6 on Macintosh]

Contact the Help Desk for assistance

See also

Installing the Java Plug-in

The Laj and Maj applets are written for Java 1.2 (a.k.a.J2SE 1.2), and theoretically any web browser that fully supportsthis (or any higher version) should work. However, for bestcompatibility we recommend that you download and install the officialJava Plug-in software from Sun Microsystems.This plug-in generally works with a variety of web browsers,including Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Mozilla.

The main overview page for the Java Plug-in product is, and an assortmentof download links is available at also provides a simplified download facility (latest versiononly), which is accessible via the 'Download NOW' button at details about exactly which platforms are supported, see

Download Java Jre 1.5 For Mac High Sierra

The plug-in isusually bundled with the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) and theJava 2 Software Development Kit (JDK/SDK). If you are given a choicebetween these, either will do; the JRE is smaller because itdoesn't include developer tools, but both of them contain theplug-in. Note that even though Laj does not currently use any Javafeatures beyond 1.2, as of this writing it is compiled with version1.3.1 of Sun's SDK, so running it with the corresponding version(or higher) of the plug-in is recommended. We have, however,observed some drawing anomalies with the 1.4.x series on someplatforms (including 'phantom repeats' in the symbol panel andfailure to draw the zoom box and crosshairs), so you may want tostick with 1.3.x or 1.5.x.

Each download should come with installation instructions(read them!), but here are some additional platform-specifictips.


We recommend that you delete any previously installed versionsof the plug-in, JRE, JDK, and/orSDK before you install the new one, to avoid getting them mixed.For example, in Windows 98 you can do this by opening the Startmenu and choosing Settings - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs,then selecting from the list the items you want to uninstall.After the new installation is complete, you may need to closeand restart your browser to make it recognize the new plug-in,or even reboot your computer.

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Note that versions of Sun's Java above 1.3.x will not work onWindows 95.


Currently Sun does not have a Java Plug-in for Macs, but Mac OS Xships with a sufficiently recent version of Java already included,and further updates may be available via Apple's Software Updatemechanism (depending on your version of OS X). We have observeddisplay anomalies in some versions (e.g., red circle has a blackbackground), but Laj et al. should still be usable.For Mac OS Classic, Apple has a Java runtime called MRJ 2.2.5, butunfortunately it only supports Java 1.1.8 (not Java 1.2) and thuswill not work with our applets.

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For more information about Java on the Mac, see and


Sun now provides versions of the Java Plug-in for Linux, ineither RPM or self-extracting binary format.Be sure to read the installation notes first,for system requirements and detailed instructions.


Note that Solaris 8 already includes Java 1.2, though you maywant to install a newer version. Sun provides versions of theJava Plug-in for Solaris on both Sparc and x86 processors.Be sure to read the installation notes first,for system requirements and detailed instructions. In particular,note that you may need to apply some Solaris patches to yoursystem before installing Java, and possibly obtain additionalfonts. You might also want to uninstall any previous versions ofthe plug-in, JRE, JDK, and/or SDK to avoid getting them mixed. Afterthe installation, you may need to close and restart your browserto make it recognize the new plug-in.

One last bit of advice: at one point during our installation,we were instructed to enter the command xhost + ,but this is a bad idea because it seriously compromises yoursystem security. If this message appears, we recommend using propersecurity protocols instead.

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Java Runtime Environment 1.5 For Mac Free Download

Cathy Riemer, December 2005